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Blessed Jesus
Tune: “Come Thou Fount”
Lyrics by Ivan De Silva

Blessed Jesus Hope of Sinners,
Fill me with Thy life and light
For without Thee in my darkness
Sin my soul shall surely smite
Oh my Saviour how I love Thee
For my sins Thy blood was spilt
On the cruel cross of Calv’ry
Thou took all my sin and guilt

Lord of Glory how I thank Thee Now I’m free from all disgrace
And I know that it was only By Thy mercy and Thy grace
For I know that naught within me Could to Thee my self commend
Soiled and sinful I refused Thee Till Thy grace my soul embraced

Now I thank thee for Thy mercy And for Thee my life I’ll spend
Only help me to be like Thee And to me Thy Spirit lend
Break and mold me melt and make me Thou the Potter I the clay
I am Thine be Thou my master At Thy feet myself I lay

When my journey reaches glory
How my tongue shall sing Thy praise
For Thy grace that led me safely
To Thy shelt’ring warm embrace
Blessed Jesus then to see Thee
Worshiped by that heavenly throng
Oh the thought it moves me deeply
That one day I’ll join that song

You’ve Already Won
By Joshua Carsola, Andrew Marcus, Jesse Reeves

In the moments I can’t see
When it seems this fear is paralyzing me
Still you always make it known
I am in you, and you’re
High upon your throne

I will trust in you my God

I will rest here in your arms
Even though I know
This overwhelming battle rages on
You’ve already won
You’ve already won

Oh, the mercies you have shown
Even when I’m out here wandering on my own
You have captivated me
With the simple truth that you have set me free

Even the wind and waves are silenced by your word
You are the God who saves and you alone are Lord
So we will stand amazed at all that you have done
You’ve already won

You Are Enough
By Andrew Marcus, Olivia Pecile

Lord I surrender
I’m falling on my knees
Turning from Idols
That keep consuming me

Here I am
Broken again
I need You desperately
I need You desperately

All these temptations
Have no hold on me
Lifeless empty treasures
I lay them at Your feet

I’m calling out Your name
To only You I praise
Jesus on your throne are high and lifted up
Lord You are enough
Lord You are enough

Show me Your power

set this captive free
I need You every hour
Nothing before You from this world I flee
Into Your arms of mercy

Beloved Child
By Sarah Perks and Andrew Marcus

Lord You know I offer nothing
Only what You’ve given me
Still You take my heart and worship
Cause in Your eyes I know that I’m Your beloved child

All Your majesty before me
Even when I fail to see
I’m not ashamed here in Your presence
Cause in Your eyes I know that I’m Your beloved child

Even when it cost You all that You can give
Your love never wavered
You paid for everything
You didn’t hesitate a moment
Your heart has been towards me
Always fighting for me
I’m Your beloved child

Abundant in Your loving kindness

I can stand assured of this
It’s grace alone that makes me worthy

Cause in Your eyes I know that I’m Your beloved child

I am the one You chose
Not a citizen of this world
Welcomed as Your own I’m Your beloved

In You
By Andrew Marcus, John Fortune, Sam Romijn

Teach me to trust in You
In everything I do
Though I may slip and fall
You’ve never forsaken me

My heart and flesh may fail
But Your love never will
For You alone are God
You’ve never forsaken me

In You I find my only hope all my delight
In You I find rest for my soul
Strength for this fight
All of my faith all my desire
I find my courage to stand in the fire in you

You hold me in Your hand
When my heart is overwhelmed
I will draw near to You
You’ve never forsaken me

Whom have I in heaven no one but you God
I am Yours forever Jesus take my heart

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