「新約聖書イントロ」は当NiBS(日本語BibleStudy.com)のシリーズです。Eugene Peterson 先生のThe Messageに書かれている先生の聖書の各本のイントロを毎月最初に一つづつ紹介していきます。聖書を読んでみたい、でも一体この本に何が書いてあるの?と思ったことはありませんか?そんな問いかけへの答えに少しでもお役に立てれば幸いです。紹介する順番は実際の新約聖書の並び方とは異なります。日本語訳は筆者の拙訳です。英語のオリジナルはブログ下段に掲載させていただきました。
The two most difficult things to get straight in life are love and God. More often than not, the mess people make of their lives can be traced to failure or stupidity or meanness in one or both of these areas.
The basic and biblical Christian conviction is that the two subjects are intricately related. If we want to deal with God the right way, we have to learn to love the right way. If we want to love the right way, we have to deal with God the right way. God and love can’t be separated.
John’s three letters provide wonderfully explicit direction in how this works. Jesus, the Messiah, is the focus: Jesus provides the full and true understanding of God; Jesus shows us the mature working-out of love. In Jesus, God and love are linked accurately, intricately, and indissolubly.
But there are always people around who don’t want to be pinned down to the God Jesus reveals, to the love Jesus reveals. They want to make up their own idea of God, make up their own style of love. John was pastor to a church (or churches) disrupted by some of these people. In his letters we see him reestablishing the original and organic unity of God and love that comes to focus and becomes available to us in Jesus Christ.
Introduction to First/Second/Third John, The Message, Eugene Peterson