「新約聖書イントロ」は当NiBS(日本語BibleStudy.com)のシリーズです。Eugene Peterson 先生のThe Messageに書かれている先生の聖書の各本のイントロを毎月最初に一つづつ紹介していきます。聖書を読んでみたい、でも一体この本に何が書いてあるの?と思ったことはありませんか?そんな問いかけへの答えに少しでもお役に立てれば幸いです。紹介する順番は実際の新約聖書の並び方とは異なります。日本語訳は筆者の拙訳です。英語のオリジナルはブログ下段に掲載させていただきました。







The Corinthian Christians gave their founding pastor, Paul, more trouble than all his other churches put together. No sooner did Paul get one problem straightened out in Corinth than three more appeared.

For anyone operating under the naive presumption that joining a Christian church is a good way to meet all the best people and cultivate smooth social relations, a reading of Paul’s Corinthian correspondence is the prescribed cure. But however much trouble the Corinthians were to each other and to Paul, they prove to be a cornucopia of blessings to us, for they triggered some of Paul’s most profound and vigorous writing.

The provocation for Paul’s second letter to the Christians in Corinth was an attack on his leadership. In his first letter, though he wrote most kindly and sympathetically, he didn’t mince words. He wrote with the confident authority of a pastor who understands the ways God’s salvation works and the kind of community that comes into being as a result. At least some of what he wrote to them was hard to hear and hard to take.

So they bucked his authority – accused him of inconsistencies, impugned his motives, questioned his credentials. They didn’t argue with what he had written; they simply denied his right to tell them what to do.

And so Paul was forced to defend his leadership. After mopping up a few details left over from the first letter, he confronted the challenge, and in the process probed the very nature of leadership in a community of believers.

Because leadership is necessarily an exercise of authority, it easily shifts into an exercise of power. But the minute it does that, it begins to inflict damage on both the leader and the led. Paul, studying Jesus, had learned a kind of leadership in which he managed to stay out of the way so that the others could deal with God without having to go through him. All who are called to exercise leadership in whatever capacity – parent or coach, pastor or president, teacher or manager – can be grateful to Paul for this letter, and to the Corinthians for provoking it.

Introduction to 2 Corinthians, The Message, Eugene Peterson