「新約聖書イントロ」は当NiBS(日本語BibleStudy.com)のシリーズです。Eugene Peterson 先生のThe Messageに書かれている先生の聖書の各本のイントロを毎月最初に一つづつ紹介していきます。聖書を読んでみたい、でも一体この本に何が書いてあるの?と思ったことはありませんか?そんな問いかけへの答えに少しでもお役に立てれば幸いです。紹介する順番は実際の新約聖書の並び方とは異なります。日本語訳は筆者の拙訳です。英語のオリジナルはブログ下段に掲載させていただきました。
The Bible ends with a flourish: vision and song, doom and deliverance, terror and triumph. The rush of color and sound, image and energy, leaves us reeling. But if we persist through the initial confusion and read on, we begin to pick up the rhythms, realize the connections, and find ourselves enlisted as participants in a multidimensional act of Christian worship.
John of Patmos, a pastor of the late first century, has worship on his mind, is preeminently concerned with worship. The vision, which is The Revelation, comes to him while he is at worship on a certain Sunday on the Mediterranean island of Patmos. He is responsible for a circuit of churches on the mainland whose primary task is worship. Worship shapes the human community in response to the living God. If worship is neglected or perverted, our communities fall into chaos or under tyranny.
Our times are not propitious for worship. The times never are. The world is hostile to worship. The Devil hates worship. As The Revelation makes clear, worship must be carried out under conditions decidedly uncongenial to it. Some Christians even get killed because they worship.
John’s Revelation is not easy reading. Besides being a pastor, John is a poet, fond of metaphor and symbol, image and allusion, passionate in his desire to bring us into the presence of Jesus believing and adoring. But the demands he makes on our intelligence and imagination are well rewarded, for in keeping company with John, our worship of God will almost certainly deepen in urgency and joy.
Introduction to Revelation, The Message, Eugene Peterson