「新約聖書イントロ」は当NiBS(日本語BibleStudy.com)のシリーズです。Eugene Peterson 先生のThe Messageに書かれている先生の聖書の各本のイントロを毎月最初に一つづつ紹介していきます。聖書を読んでみたい、でも一体この本に何が書いてあるの?と思ったことはありませんか?そんな問いかけへの答えに少しでもお役に立てれば幸いです。紹介する順番は実際の新約聖書の並び方とは異なります。日本語訳は筆者の拙訳です。英語のオリジナルはブログ下段に掲載させていただきました。




Christians are quite serious in believing that when they gather together for worship and work, God is present and sovereign, really present and absolutely sovereign. God creates and guides, God saves and heals, God corrects and blesses, God calls and judges. With such comprehensive and personal leadership from God, what is the place of human leadership?

Quite obviously, it has to be second place. It must not elbow its way to the front, it must not bossily take over. Ego-centered, ego-prominent leadership betrays the Master. The best leadership in spiritual communities formed in the name of Jesus, the Messiah, is inconspicuous, not calling attention to itself but not sacrificing anything in the way of conviction and firmness either.

In his letters to two young associates—Timothy in Ephesus and Titus in Crete—we see Paul encouraging and guiding the development of just such leadership. What he had learned so thoroughly himself, he was now passing on, and showing them, in turn, how to develop a similar leadership in local congregations. This is essential reading because ill-directed and badly formed spiritual leadership causes much damage in souls. Paul in both his life and his letters shows us how to do it right.

Introduction to 1& 2 Timothy & Titus, The Message, Eugene Peterson